"I will personally admit that evangelism was scary for me even as a professional Christian and ReviveOhio pushed me way outside of my comfort zone and I have never been happier. So please, get outside of the walls of the church and see how God is moving you�ll never regret it."
Rev. Richard Hiltibran
Good Shephard UMC
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"There are a lot of important things that we all do in ministry, but reaching the lost and winning souls for Jesus Christ must be priority, and it goes much farther than leading someone in a prayer on a Sunday morning. I learned this firsthand!"
Rev. Randall Perkins
New Hope Assembly of God
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"Revive is not about a program that you go through and then go back to normal. It's a life-style that is helping the Church to actually function as the Body of Christ and make a New Normal."
Rev. Chad Wilson
Sidney Church of the Nazarene
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"Perhaps more than anything else, Revive Ohio has equipped our people for evangelism and discipleship. If you...become involved, I believe you will be blessed and become a greater blessing as well."
Tim Smith, Senior Pastor
St. Mary's Church of the Nazarene
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"Revive Ohio was the coaching partner that I/we had been praying for. A group of Spirit-filled, Jesus-loving evangelists that would teach/coach us to do missions in our own community. As a church, we fell in love with Mark, his team, and the process, and we will never be the same again."
Matt Nihiser, Senior Pastor
Calvary Baptist Church
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"Revive Ohio provided a framework under which [our county ministerial association] could unite; a framework of a common gospel through the 'Romans Road'; a framework of a common approach 'How can I pray for you'; a framework of organization to help us mobilize, and resources to support that framework."
Mike Borland, Pastor of Evangelism
Calvary Baptist Church
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"My life, as well as Fairfield County will never be the same because of the footprints of Christ that was left on us from their partnership and training. We cannot encourage you enough to pray and step out in faith to bring this God ordained revival effort to your community!"
James Dexter, Lead Pastor
Good Shephard Church
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