About ReviveOHIO
To see the Church fulfill and finish the Great Commission by impacting communities across Ohio with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
To train, equip, and mobilize the body of Christ to share the Gospel and make Disciples of Christ continually with a few simple tools and principles, as One Church, with One Message, to One Life at a Time!
ReviveOHIO is called to pursue Revival across Ohio by equipping/training the local church(es) to help "Fulfill and Finish" the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20; Matthew 24:14). We desire to come alongside and support churches and various ministries by helping them learn to share the Gospel and make disciples of Jesus Christ out in their own local communities. We accomplish this by bringing them together for outreach (revivals): week-long, weekend, or one day outreaches, and unifying Christians to impact their community with the Gospel, and we provide the tools and training to do it together!

ReviveOHIO Mobile Outreach also does tent revivals and partner with other community outreach events, and we have a mobile baptismal trailer complete with changing room, heated and filtered water, towels, change of clothes, etc. for impromptu baptisms, or for churches that don't have a baptismal in their building. We are an IRS registered 501(c)3 non-profit ministry and can offer tax-deductible receipts for donations to our ministry. If you're interested in learning more about us or how to partner with us in your community, please fill out the contact information below.
Steve & Jamie Baker
Mark & Jill Burd
Sarah Fleck
Volunteer Missionary
James Reynolds
Mike & Becky Smith
Volunteer Missionaries
Volunteer Missionaries
Dan & Barbara Hicks
Volunteer Missionaries
Don & Michelle Matheson
Volunteer Missionaries
Rob Mitchell
Volunteer Missionary
Mark Olson
Volunteer Missionary
Steve & Amy Harman
Josh & Koralie Layman
Norma Woolace
Our Reach
Revive Ohio Map
Our Approach
Community Strategy
ReviveOHIO is actively seeking to train and equip the body of Christ to fulfill and finish the Great Commission by praying and uniting the Church for personal and corporate revival, and getting us out of our individual church buildings to share our faith with our neighbors and make disciples of Jesus. Our heart's desire is that we will become an answer to Jesus's prayer in John 17:20-21:
"I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; 21 that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent me."
5 Phase Strategy
As ReviveOHIO gets invited into each community to pursue revival, we seek to unify and partner in sharing the Gospel. Our 5 phase Strategy serves as a guideline for a "unified revival" amongst churches in the community, but we ultimately follow the leading of the Holy Spirit through prayer to finalize our strategy for each community. Our first step is to begin to pray with you for revival!
Phase 1: Scout
When an invitation is made to ReviveOHIO by an individual or group of believers that are hungry for revival, we will come and begin to pray and discern over that community. (Numbers chapters 13 & 14) We will utilize 3 metrics to evaluate the community's readiness for revival: Humility, Unity and Hunger for a move of God. Finally, we will seek the Lord's confirmation to partner and enter into Phase 2 with that community.
Phase 2: Pray & Prepare
Once the Lord has given us a confirmation (2 Cor.13:1), ReviveOHIO will commit to making an investment into a community. Our ReviveOHIO missionaries, volunteers and remnant will begin to pray specifically for scheduled times of training and outreach (revival) in that community. We will also initiate meeting and praying together specifically for God to increase the 3 metrics of preparedness for revival: Humility, Unity and Hunger for God, as we gather more churches & leaders to join us in God's work for that community!
Phase 3: Train, Equip, & Engage
During this phase, ReviveOHIO will begin training and equipping local believers and pastors to share the Gospel outside their church walls. Our prayer is that this specific time of outreach will be reviving for individuals, churches, and the entire community as we pray for and engage folks with the Gospel. Our team will seek the leading of the Lord during our scheduled outreach as to how long we stay engaged and remain in the community. We desire to see the body of Christ continue to pray for people, share the Gospel and make disciples as a new way of life before moving on.
Phase 4: Make Disciples
As the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 2:2, we encourage mature believers in the community to disciple those that encountered Christ and/or requested it during the outreach. After each day of the outreach, we pair up the new disciples with people that have been trained to Learn, to Grow and to Share the Gospel.
Phase 5: Support
As ReviveOHIO prepares to finish up an outreach in a community, ownership transfers from the ReviveOHIO team over to the local core leadership team. This is what makes revival sustainable and perpetual. You now become a part of the ReviveOHIO Remnant Family! We will continue to Equip, Empower, and Encourage each other to carry on as partners in the Gospel! (Philippians 1:3-6).
Our Modules
In Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus, he explains the framework of how the body of Christ is to be trained and equipped for the work of ministry. ReviveOHIO wants to come alongside the Church and continue to help facilitate this for fellow believers to replicate what Jesus and His disciples did when they walked out their earthly ministry. (Ephesians 4:11-16)
Train: For the training of the saints in the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ (v.12)
Model: Until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God's Son (v.13-14)
Assist: But speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into Him who is the head Christ (v.15)
Support: From Him the whole body, fitted and knit together by every supporting ligament, promotes the growth of the body (v.16)
Our Training: 4 Principles
Evangelism and Discipleship are at the heart of our mission. Both must accompany each other to experience true, lasting revival in a community. We apply the following 4 principles Jesus used in doing ministry.
Love: John 13:34-35
Listen: James 1:19
Discern: 1 Corinthians 2:13
Respond: Colossians 4:5-6