Get Involved as an Individual
We invite YOU to join us for ReviveOHIO! Come for a morning time of prayer or join us for a time of training and outreach. Enjoy a meal with other believers in your community or attend an evening service to hear how God is moving in lives across the area. There are many ways to get involved with ReviveOHIO. Whatever your availability is, we encourage EVERY believer to participate at least ONCE. Visit the events page to see where and when you can join us!

Feeling a tug to help more? We need people like you to help keep things running. Following are more specific ways you can help.
ReviveOHIO is a big undertaking, and it takes many hands to accomplish the work. We need volunteers to help in each region with various tasks. These may include helping provide or serve food, assisting with administrative tasks, working with children or greeting at the front doors. Please contact the Regional Leader in your region.
Provide Housing
Hundreds of volunteers are coming from all over the country for ReviveOHIO. Do you have a bedroom or two to spare? Sign up to host a ReviveOHIO volunteer for a few days, a week, or as long as needed! Volunteers only need a place to sleep and shower as they spend their days at the ReviveOHIO outreach.
Be a Disciple-maker
Through the ReviveOHIO daily outreach, many lives are touched by the Gospel, and we need believers who will commit to walk alongside these individuals in their newfound faith. As a Disciple-Maker, you will be trained and equipped to lead your new disciple in a growing relationship with Christ.
Become a Team Member
Has ReviveOHIO struck a chord with you, and you're ready to be all in? We are looking for team members here to join the team and help sustain the momentum of what God is doing through ReviveOHIO.
Get Involved as a Church
ReviveOHIO desires that the fullness of the body of Christ be expressed here in the area, and that involves YOUR congregation! Every part of the body is important, and every congregation is vital to the health of the collective Church. Jesus says in John 17 that when we come together as the ONE Church, the world will know that He loves them. We pray that your church will link arms with the hundreds of other congregations partnering with ReviveOHIO, all for the purpose of declaring the Gospel in unity and glorifying God with one voice. There are many practical ways that your congregation can join ReviveOHIO.
Join the mission to unite the Church and equip the saints to share the Gospel and make disciples by becoming a ReviveOHIO partner church. As a partnering church, we encourage you and your members to join with other believers as we go out to pray for people and share the Gospel. Visit the schedule page to learn more.
Provide Meals
As ReviveOHIO continues into more regions, meals are provided to inspire fellowship and sustain laborers during the outreaches. Could your church provide one or two of those meals? We're looking for churches to partner with ReviveOHIO in this way. Click the link below to sign up!
Volunteers are needed in each region of ReviveOHIO. Could your church sign up to cover greeting for one night? Or maybe your members could serve the lunch meal on a Saturday. Volunteering with ReviveKIDS is another great way congregations can partner with ReviveOHIO. Contact the Leader in your region to see how your church can help!
Get Involved as a Community
The Gospel is best communicated in relationship, and God has placed each of us in connected groups within our community. Jesus shared the Truth with the tax collectors around Matthew's table and with the Samaritans through the testimony of the woman at the well. Where has God placed you to influence others with the Gospel message? We've shared the Gospel with sports teams, FCA groups, in courtrooms, after recovery groups, and inside correctional facilities. What connections has God given you, that you can use to further His Kingdom?
Invite us to share the Gospel with your school or school group! We've seen many students, coaches and faculty say "Yes!" to the Lord through sharing with school groups. Whether it's before school at an FCA gathering, during an optional meeting over lunch period, at a college chapel service, or on the baseball field after practice, our desire is to bless your peers with the Good News of Jesus.
Municipal Arena
In past cities, we've prayed with people in the judge's chambers, at police and fire stations, in the county courthouse with those waiting to go before the judge, and with inmates in correctional facilities. If you hold a municipal position, pray about how we can partner together to see the Gospel transform lives in your sphere of influence!
Partnership in the Gospel is the heart of ReviveOHIO. Churches, ministries, businesses, and schools are linking arms to advance the Gospel in Ohio. Invite the ReviveOHIO outreach teams to come pray for your employees and/or clients! Or partner with us to advance the Gospel through financial sponsorship.
Get Involved as a Business
92% of Jesus's public appearances in the New Testament occurred in the workplace. More than 75% of people in the Bible did ministry as part of their daily work. And 87% of Jesus's parables had a workplace context. It's clear that the marketplace is central to the advancement of the Gospel. Jesus invested most of His time there, and the heart of ReviveOHIO is to follow Jesus's example. Maybe you're a business owner or a manager in the workplace. Let's partner together to see the power of the Gospel transform lives in the marketplace here through ReviveOHIO!
Invite Us
Invite us to your business to pray for your team and share the Gospel. Recognizing that every business is different, we work with you to make a plan that works best for your company and employees. We've prayed and shared the Gospel in staff meetings, over lunch hour and in break rooms, and even in company-wide meetings where business has been put on hold to ensure everyone's opportunity to hear the Good News. We'd love to partner with you and your business!
Connect Us
Maybe you're a businessman or woman who has many connections. Connect us with other businesses to see the Gospel advanced throughout the area! Our partnership with each business is tailored to the specific needs and setting of that particular business. This is how revival can spread throughout such a wide region through the connections of each individual!
Many businesses support the advancement of the Gospel in their community through financial partnership. Sponsor a meal for a reviveOHIO outreach. Provide Bibles and Gospel wristbands to be distributed in your area. Or maybe you have a unique product or service that can help advance the Gospel.
Get Involved as a School
The heart of reviveOHIO is to impact the community with the Gospel. Jesus continually elevated the value of children and youth, setting them up as an example for all believers. Our desire is to follow His example, investing in the youth of each community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our approach is always adaptable and respectful, honoring the leadership and administration of each school community. We follow your lead to create a partnership that is best suited for you. The heart of ReviveOHIO is simply to bless you, your school and your community through prayer and sharing the hope of the Good News of Jesus Christ. In cities where we've invested previously, schools have partnered with ReviveOHIO in a variety of ways. In each setting the ReviveOHIO teams distribute tabbed Bibles and Gospel wristbands to everyone as a tool in sharing the Gospel.
Invite the reviveOHIO team(s) to pray with students and share the Gospel at elective groups or during optional gatherings before or after school-sponsored clubs and sports; reviveOHIO has been invited to share the Gospel with marching bands, FCA groups, dance teams, cheer squads, football teams, volleyball teams, and several other sports teams and student gatherings over the last years in public, private and alternative school settings.
Welcoming outreach teams to come pray and share the Gospel with staff and in break rooms or during staff meetings before or after school.
Excused Absences
Allowing students approved absences (typically on a designated "student day") to go pray for people and share the Gospel during a daytime outreach in the community, with parental permission.
Revive Kids
The reviveOHIO team believes that children can do ANYTHING an adult can do when it comes to following Jesus. Our desire is to train and empower children to live their daily lives fully for Christ! We have witnessed them become true disciples of Jesus, and share their faith in Him with their family, friends, classmates, etc., and wherever they go!

Please join us in helping train them up in your community!

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6 NKJV)
Want to Get Involved?
Contact us with additional questions or to express interest in participating with ReviveOHIO.